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Your book could change someone's life.

Why haven't you written it yet?

One-on-One Guidance

Save time and words with guidance, feedback, and support on your book as you write or revise.

Are These Writing Struggles Holding You Back?

  • The Idea is Clear, but the Path Isn't. You've got a brilliant concept swirling in your mind, maybe even a few chapters under your belt. But transforming that spark into a book? That's where the uncertainty creeps in, leaving you stuck in a cycle of second-guessing and stagnation.

  • The Dreaded Imposter Syndrome. You're a talented writer, yet that nagging voice of self-doubt refuses to be silenced. "Am I really good enough to write a book?" It whispers, planting seeds of insecurity that threaten to derail your literary ambitions before they've even taken root.

  • Overwhelmed by the Writing Journey. You've devoured craft books, attended workshops, and networked with fellow authors—yet the path to completing your magnum opus still feels like an uphill battle. With so much to learn and implement, it's easy to feel like you're drowning in a sea of well-intentioned advice.

  • Accountability? What's That? You're a pro at keeping others on track, but when it comes to your writing goals, discipline seems to evaporate. Despite your best-laid plans, staying committed to your craft remains an elusive challenge.

But what if you had a secret weapon? An ally who could guide you through the writing trenches, providing the clarity, confidence, and unwavering support you need to bring your literary vision to life?

Imagine having . . .

  • A custom-tailored writing plan that banishes confusion, ensuring you never have to wonder "what's next?"

  • Personalized feedback that pinpoints your strengths and opportunities, helping you hone your craft.

  • A collaborative partner for brainstorming and problem-solving, so you never have to face hurdles alone.

  • A constant wellspring of inspiration and self-assurance, vanquishing imposter syndrome for good.

  • A completed manuscript—tangible proof that you have the talent and tenacity to transform ideas into bookish brilliance.


The writing journey is arduous, but you don't have to go it alone. Partner with a guide who'll equip you with the tools, techniques, and relentless encouragement you need to conquer your book-writing goals.


Isn't it time you brought your literary work to life?

sunlight through the trees taken by Fallon Clark at a Vermont State park

Fallon took the time to learn about my characters, knew exactly what questions to ask or things to suggest to create order out of my chaos, and made me feel at ease talking about a story that means quite a bit to me. I’m so glad I reached out to her for help because I came away feeling re-energized about my project and confident that I can finally get it down on paper.

Kaylin Brian, editor and author

Your Investment

Guidance Light

$1,600 per month

Monthly billing

(minimum 6 months commitment)

Guidance on up to 12 pages (about 3,000 words) per week

Analysis of your pages with in-document comments and line-level improvements (Microsoft Track Changes) and other feedback

Weekly tracking of your word-count goals and writing progress

A one-hour video chat each week to discuss my feedback and next steps

A recording of our video chat you can keep for future reference

$4,000 per month

Monthly billing

(minimum 3 months commitment)

Guidance on up to 25 pages (about 6,250 words) per week

Analysis of your pages with in-document comments and line-level improvements (Microsoft Track Changes) and other feedback

Weekly tracking of your word-count goals and writing progress

A one-hour video chat each week to discuss my feedback and next steps

A recording of our video chat you can keep for future reference

Guidance Intensive

(802) 839-9936
Located in Vermont

©2022-2024 by Fallon Clark

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